Soldiers of God

Soldiers of God
Ever ready for the Charge

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spiritual Rest Volume 1, Issue 4

Once again, the rest we experience when we come to Christ, is to rest from trying to maintain a life of righteousness to please God. Knowing this, that Christ bore our sins on the cross and we have been washed with His blood which sets us righteous in God's eyes, we may rest. Since we have been freed from the law, our salvation then is no longer on a performance basis. What works then will we perform? Paul states in 2 Timothy 2:15 "to study to show thyself approved", as we study we will continue to learn the Father's Will and in doing so we can be obedient. Our works in this age of Grace, comes as a fruit of our relationship with God. As we walk in the light of God's grace, He will lead us as vessels and use His Holy Spirit to work through us. Please make no mistake, God will only reward/bless the works of His Will. The Son, Jesus Christ is now sitting on the right hand of God because He was perfectly obedient to the Will of His Father.

Jesus asks the disciples in the garden of Gethsemane to stay up and keep watch. We see that the disciples were not able to keep their eyes open as they continued to fall asleep when Jesus went off to pray. When Judas comes with the soldiers to betray Jesus we see Peter take out His sword and cut off the ear of the high priest's servant (Mark 14:32-47). Here is a great example of Christ asking for action and here is the man of flesh not being able to comply and then when Jesus's desire for the disciples is to be still the man of flesh decides to take action. In both instances we see Jesus Christ rebuke the disciples and show us the model that we are not to be wise in our own fleshly minds towards what will please our God. God's thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8).

Storing up treasure in heaven depends on our ability to simply allow God to perform His Will through us. Our rest in Christ is key, so that we are not preoccupied with life when the Father wants us to be available. God seeks the glory for all that is performed in and through you and a perfect vessel is one that performs the function of it's creation!!! Our bodies were given to God for our reasonable act of worship, so today be the perfect vessel at rest, ready to be filled with the Lord and poured out to this thirsty world!!! Be Encouraged!!! Have a wonderful life of Spiritual Rest on purpose!!!!!

Jeremiah 17

5 Thus says the LORD:

“ Cursed is the man who trusts in man
And makes flesh his strength,
Whose heart departs from the LORD.
6 For he shall be like a shrub in the desert,
And shall not see when good comes,
But shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness,
In a salt land which is not inhabited.
7 “ Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
And whose hope is the LORD.
8 For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters,
Which spreads out its roots by the river,
And will not fear[b] when heat comes;
But its leaf will be green,
And will not be anxious in the year of drought,
Nor will cease from yielding fruit.
9 “ The heart is deceitful above all things,
And desperately wicked;
Who can know it?
10 I, the LORD, search the heart,
I test the mind,
Even to give every man according to his ways,
According to the fruit of his doings.
11 “ As a partridge that broods but does not hatch,
So is he who gets riches, but not by right;
It will leave him in the midst of his days,
And at his end he will be a fool.”
12 A glorious high throne from the beginning
Is the place of our sanctuary.
13 O LORD, the hope of Israel,
All who forsake You shall be ashamed.

“ Those who depart from Me
Shall be written in the earth,
Because they have forsaken the LORD,
The fountain of living waters.”

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